Release 18.11

There have been lots of mini updates over the last 4 months but no formal new releases until now. It is November and its time to get back to monthly releases.

New Features

1. A user can belong to more than one organisation. 

Many people find that they are working on multiple projects in different organisations.  Previously you would have needed more than one logon or would have had to keep asking the organisational administrator to move you from project to project.  Now however you can belong to multiple organisations, you can select the organisation you want to work in by clicking on your profile in any page.

All you projects, security groups and role are preserved for all the organisations that you belong to.  Hence you don’t need to set yourself up each time you switch organisations.  The security groups can be different between organisations so you might be an administrator in one and an enumerator in another.

To set this up go to the users admin page, select a user and then click on the organisations that they have access to.  Note you need to have “organisational admin” privilege to do this.

2. Set Max Image Size from Server

You can now specify the maximum image size in the fieldTask options on the user administration page.  This maximum value will be set on the phones when you refresh.

3. Referencing the survey key (HRK) and preloads in the advanced filter

You can now create filters such as: ${_hrk} = ‘abc 001’ and ${_device} = ‘1111111’

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