Version 17.06

The june release is now available.

Repeat in Webforms using repeat count

New Features

  • Webforms has been updated to use the latest version of enketo-core, some new capabilities include:
    • Images are included in the choices that can be filtered using choice filters or cascading selects
    • Using repeat counts on begin repeats is really cool.  Especially if you make the repeat count dependent on another question.  Repeats are shown without buttons to add or remove and the number of repeats will change as you change the repeat count.
    • Plus lots of other styling improvements
  • When you create  PDF from results using a template, if you specify a text field with the name of an image question then a hyper link will be added.  If you are not using a template then you can add the appearance “pdfhyperlink” to show the link instead of the image itself.

One thought on “Version 17.06

  1. Andrew Tumuhameho

    Every upgrade makes the application more user friendly. I am so happy to be associated with Smap server.
    Great work guys!


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