This is a minor release with just some fairly minor bug fixes. These include:
- French translations have been added replacing the dummy words that I had previously used for testing. Thank you to Baba Sy for providing these translations.
- Show an error message if a template is uploaded when the user does not have access to any projects. (Thank you to Janna Metzler for identifying this issue)
- Prevent the editing of results that have been marked as “bad”. For example if they have already been edited and replaced by another record.
- Fixed several issues with roles. It now works much better if a user is assigned a role of analyst but not administrator or vice versa. A user with only enum rights can now also use webForms.
- Replaced links to the old help pages with links to the google drive holding the documentation
- Prevent a malformed template being created if you upload a completely empty template. This now reports an error and does not create the template. Previously it reported the error but still created a template that could not be run on fieldTask
- Fix paging through results on the monitor page. Previously the page buttons were hidden.
- Thumbnails were not being created for pictures with an extension of JPG (in capitals)
- Support added for select multiple questions when exporting to Neo4J
- Only allow a single select multiple question to be exported to a Neo4J node or relation
- Prevent Neo4J labels from having spaces
- Improve clarity of reporting errors in templates when using template upload. Multiple redundant messages were previously created when calculate questions with lots of parameters had circular references.
The server can be downloaded from