Smap API

I have been working on a project to allow reports from Smap to be added to a portal that provides an assessment of the situation in the first 72 hours after a rapid onset emergency. This is for World Vision’s Speed Evidence project, Ushahidi are writing the portal.

These new reports support oembed so they can be inserted into a wordpress blog such as this one. Here is a report containing a map.

The above report is a map from the Smap analysis dashboard showing:

  1. A select multiple question on problems grouped by an arbitrary set of hexagonal polygons.  The colours represent the relative percentages of interviewees who reported safety concerns in the hexagonal area.  Red indicates a very high percentage blue a very low percentage. Green is somewhere in the middle. (It follows the Red – Orange – Yellow – Green – Blue scale).
  2. A select one question on type of refugee camps in the area

Here is another report containing a graph showing the problems reported grouped by the gender of the person reporting the problem.

Finally here is a report containing a table.

This table shows the average age of the people who reported each problem.

This capability is still beta and will be released in 2-3 weeks.  Some of the work that still needs to happen includes:

  1. Setting the size of the report so it doesn’t leave whitespace when embedded in wordpress or another container
  2. Better legends and descriptions of the content of the report generated directly by the Smap server.

One thought on “Smap API

  1. Neil Penman

    I am tempted to delete this post as the embedded reports are linked to the development server which is changing and often being restarted. Hence the graph, map and table are being affected. It looks like the graph is not rendering properly at the moment. On the plus side as the functionality nears production readiness you should see some improvements in functionality.


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