Release of Smap Data Cleansing

Announcing the release of Smap Evaluation Tools Server version 13.11. This version has concentrated on some data cleansing functionality which as been requested by a team assessing the needs of people affected by Typhoon Haiyan.  The Speed Evidence project has provided funding.

New functionality

  1. Updating data on the server prior to export. (Data Cleansing).
  2. Ability to hide the graph legend as this sometimes obscures the data.
  3. Bundling of Smap Uploader
  4. Support for Apache 2.4

Data Cleansing

The following video shows how to update text values on the server.

The analyst training material has also been updated to included more detailed instructions data cleansing.

Other changes

A bug that prevented the creation of graphs when question names included dashes has been fixed.

Uploading of Polygons and Lines has been made more robust.  Previously if a valid Polygon had not been recorded (more than 2 points) then the survey was not uploaded.  Now the rest of the data is uploaded and the invalid Polygon / Line is discarded.


A downloadable tar file of the updated server should be available tomorrow.  Hosted servers will be progressively updated over the next few days.

3 thoughts on “Release of Smap Data Cleansing

    1. Neil Penman Post author

      Hi Saji,

      It has already helped you I think:) There was a problem with loading around 1,000 surveys from the post cyclone Phailin assessment. For some reason, which hasn’t been established, they could not be loaded directly from the Samsung tablets. Freddy sent me a zip file with the /sdcard/fieldTask/instances directory from each of the tablet’s sdcards. I then ran the prototype version of smapUploader across those files and it loaded them onto the server.

      Hopefully you won’t need it again. Two situations where it might be useful are:

      1. You have been backing up the contents of the phones sdcard to a pc and then the phone is lost or damaged. You can then upload the backups from the PC using smapUploader.
      2. There is a repeat of the problem where uploads are not working directly from the phone. Ideally though we should find what caused that problem and fix it.




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