Aaron Mok has contributed an example form that uses Nepali dates to calculate the age of a child and then calculates the Z-Score for that child using their age, weight and height.
You can get the form and its attachments from here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5_SmpWlQYxvTmFIcDkzSDIyaGc&usp=drive_web&pli=1&ddrp=1#
This form uses the pulldata() function to look up values in a CSV file. pulldata() is not supported on web forms / enketo so you will need to test it on an Android device.
I have loaded the form onto the demo server if you want to try it out without loading it onto your own server.
- url: http://demo.smap.com.au
- username: gplay
- password: gplay
Let me know if you find any errors in the calculation so Aaron and myself can fix them.
I didn´t even know we could calculate Z-score in FieldTask! That´s awesome
This is great news…now I can more or less store all my files there…
Ha I might need to clean that project up occasionally. 🙂