Announcement of Smap Release – July 2013

Yep we missed a release in June this release contains 2 months of changes. New Features:

  1. Exporting of surveys to Openstreetmaps.  Refer to for details.
  2. Block submission of new results.  On the template management screen you can block or unblock a survey by clicking the checkbox next to the survey name.  This could be used where you have completed a survey and are analysing the results, however additional results are being submitted by someone who is demonstrating or testing the survey tool.
  3. Reports can be accessed by external systems through a reporting API. Download from here.
  4.  Reports can be embedded in WordPress blogs (or any other container that support the oEmbed standard).
  5. The bounding box of the area covered by a report is now shown rather than just showing a point for the report.
  6. Maps can be included in reports.
  7. The text that describes a graph or map has been improved. The text for a map now describes all the layers on the map.
  8. Validation on loading of templates.  The converted database friendly question names are now checked for duplicates.  Hence if you had a question named hdm0.1 and another hdm0x1. Then these would be reported as duplicates and the template would not be loaded. The reason that they are duplicates is that characters that are not accepted by the database as column names are converted into “x”.
  9. The XLS file that was submitted as a survey template can be downloaded from the template management page.
  10. Survey templates can be downloaded as a PDF.  This feature uses the Links Codebook code from Nafundi which has been modified to be accessible via a web service rather than on the desktop.
  11. Assignments of tasks are shown in a table as well as on the map.

The July version of the Smap server can be downloaded from here.




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