Version 16.12

Importing data from a file into a survey

  • Data can be imported into sub forms
  • Polygons and lines can be imported
  • Data can be imported from xlsx files as well as CSV files
  • A zip file can be exported containing
    • An xlsx file with all the data for all forms / sub  forms in the survey
    • Images, video, audio files from the survey
    • In a format that can be immediately imported into another survey or, after modification, back into the survey it was exported from
  • User, Deviceid, notes, start time, end time, original upload time are all exported and then imported into the new survey

The following video demonstrates how this now works:

Other Changes

Uniqueness of question names

Question names now need to be unique across the entire survey and not just within a single form. This is a point of difference between Smap and other ODK systems so you may find that some forms that work with a different ODK variant will break when uploading into Smap until you make the question names unique.

Option to remove ODK menus from fieldTask

Using fieldTask when you press the “refresh” button new forms that you have access to will be downloaded and results will be submitted.  Successfully submitted results will be deleted if you have the option set on the server to do this.  You can also start editing a form by selecting it on the task list page.  However the ODK menus to edit, delete, get forms and submit results are still available.

In the organisation settings you can now select an checkbox under fieldTask options to remove these menus simplifying the interface for the user.  This will also prevent the user from deleting un submitted results.

This feature requires fieldTask 14.02.

Option to prevent review of results on the phone

Previously a phone user could read the data collected in a survey and add comments after the survey was completed.  You can now set an option on the server in the organisation settings to prevent this.

This feature requires fieldTask 14.02.

Support for Ubuntu 16.04

If you are installing your own server the install script now works with Ubuntu 16.04. Ubuntu 14.04 is also still supported.

One thought on “Version 16.12

  1. Albert

    Thanks, this is a huge gain for Smaps. esp on the imports to user friendly analysis tools.
    well done to Neil
    We, Omie are a strong supporter of Smap tools in PNG and are venturing into mapping and survey tasks




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