Field Task Version 4

Field Task version 4 has finally been released.

Support for version 4.1.2 of ODK Collect

This adds a lot of great functionality provided by the ODK team.  Details on the new Collect functionality is available heres.  Some of the main new features are:

  • Can select Google or OpenStreetMap maps as the base map for a geopoint question or the tasks map tab.
  • The Google base map can be chosen from; streets, terrain, satellite or hybrid
  • Custom map layers can be added.  These maps mbtiles format. They can then be copied into a folder under the “layers” folder in the fieldTask folder on the phone. Custom maps can be generated from floor plans of building or other images.

Task Map with Google Satellite Background

Using a custom map, created from the floor plan of a building, to mark out a polygon

Other features

Routing to tasks.  You can now select a task on the maps tab then select the Google Route button to create a route.

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