Increased Scalability for Logs
Previously the log page showed the last 10,000 entries. It wasn’t possible to go further back in time than this which was starting to become a problem for high volume users. 10,000 was also quite a lot of entries to retrieve in one hit and it could be quite slow.
The change included in this release is to require a month to be selected and then all log entries for that month will be shown. There are also now forward and back buttons so you can easily page through the data to find the log entries that you need.

Convert Date/Time values to FieldTask Format in CSV files
If you have been using the pulldata() or lookup() function to get a Date/Time value from one survey to use in another survey, then you will have seen some significant limitations:
- The data is returned in a format that cannot be used in a Date/Time question! So you have to put it into a text question.
- The timezone is UTC so if you are using it as a text value, and showing it to a user completing a different survey, then the value shown will be misleading.
Date/Time values are now returned in fieldTask format. They are still in the UTC timezone but if you load the value into a Date/Time question then it will be displayed in the timezone of the device. You can also now use date functions to convert the value to the local timezone and then format it for display as text.
type | name | calculation |
dateTime | theDate | pulldata(‘linked_s29_386’, ‘committal_date’, ‘case’, ${case}) |
type | name | caclulation |
text | committalDate | format-date(date(pulldata(‘linked_s29_386’, ‘committal_date’, ‘case’, ${case})), ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’) |
Note in example 2 above the date() function converts the UTC value into the local timezone and the format-date() function then converts this local date into text.
Always send an email to a person assigned to a case
This change builds on last months update which added the ability to select a checkbox to email a user who has been automatically assigned a case. Now if you manually assign a case to a user, and if they have an email address, then they will be automatically notified by email.